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[미국] Daesang America, Inc. LA 근교 한국계 식품 대기업 인사팀 인턴 공고

  • 조회수 19
  • 작성자 콘텐츠관리자
  • 작성일 25.01.21

Daesang America, Inc. 

LA 근교 한국계 식품 대기업 인사팀 업무지원 

Position TitleCity, StateLengthStipend
HR Intern
 City of Industry, CA 12 개월   $18.00/ Hour

<Job Descriptions>

• Facilitate the Full Recruitment and Hiring Cycle: Actively support all stages of the recruitment process, including sourcing, interviewing, and candidate selection. 

• Manage Onboarding Documentation: Oversee the onboarding process by coordinating and completing all necessary documentation, including background checks, I-9 forms, W-4 forms, and other required paperwork. 

• Process VISA Documentation: Serve as the liaison between FSE, VISA employees, and internal teams to manage the onboarding and VISA documentation processes. 

• Assist with New Hire Orientation and Training Programs: Coordinate employee training programs, including registration, scheduling, room reservations, material preparation, and conducting sessions. 

• Utilizing Company Systems: Utilize company systems to update employee information and fulfill other internal requirements accurately. 

• Support HR Initiatives: Contribute to HR projects, events, and campus recruitment activities. 

• Handle HR Inquiries: Respond to internal and external HR-related inquiries, providing prompt and effective assistance. 

• Participate in HR Projects: Provide support for various HR projects as needed. 

• Support Additional HR Functions: Assist with other duties as assigned to support the HR team.1. Recruitment and Onboarding: Manage the recruitment process, including job postings, screening, interviewing, and selection of candidates. 

Facilitate new employee onboarding, including orientation and necessary training. 

1. Recruitment and Onboarding: 

Manage the recruitment process, including job postings, screening, interviewing, and selection of candidates. Facilitate new employee onboarding, including orientation and necessary training. 

2. Employee Relations: 

Act as a point of contact for employee inquiries and concerns. Assist in conflict resolution and disciplinary actions when required. 

3. HR Policies and Procedures: 

Develop, update, and maintain HR policies and procedures in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. 

4. Compensation and Benefits: 

Administer compensation and benefits programs, ensuring accuracy and compliance. 

Provide guidance to employees regarding benefits and resolve related queries.

5. Employee Records and Documentation: 

Maintain accurate and confidential HR records and documentation. 

Manage employee data, such as attendance, leave, and performance records. 

6. Training and Development: 

Identify training needs and support the development and implementation of training programs. 

Assist in performance management and talent development processes. 

7. Compliance: 

Stay informed about labor laws, regulations, and compliance requirements, and ensure the organization's adherence to them. 

8. HR Reporting: 

Prepare and provide HR reports and data analysis to assist in decision-making.

9. Health and Safety: 

Ensure workplace safety and compliance with health and safety regulations.

<Academic Background>

경영, 경제, 행정, 광고, 홍보, 커뮤니케이션, 심리학, 어문학 (영어)

<Benefits Information>

- $300/Month 중식비 지원 

- 법규에 따른 병가지원 

- $60/ Monthly Phone Expense 지원


<Company & City Information>

1956 년 설립한 (주)대상의 미국 법인입니다. 식품 사업부와 소재 사업부로 나누어져 있으며, 식품 사업 부분에는 정정원 O'Food 와 종가집 등 대표 브랜드가 있습니다. 

Daesang Group was founded in 1956 in South Korea and has since grown to become one of the world's leading producers of consumer food products. Daesang boasts about 40 sales and manufacturing subsidiaries in South Korea, United States, Europe, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

Daesang’s Jongga and Chung Jung One brands are brands of Korean Food in South Korea as well as in the U.S. We have an ambitious goal to bring authentic and delicious Korean foods to prominence in the U.S. 

City of Industry 는 미국 캘리포니아 주 로스 앤젤레스 카운티 동부 샌 가브리엘 밸리에 위치한 도시입니다. 이름에서도 알 수 있듯이이 산업화 도시이며, 엘에이에서 자동차로 약 30 여분 거리에 있기에 같은 생활권을 사용할 뿐만 아니라, 근처에 엘에이워크맨 앤드 템플 파밀리 홈스태드 뮤지엄을 비롯하여 공원, 낚시 자전거등을 즐길수 있는 프란크 G. 보넬리 리저널 공원, 하이킹을 즐기기에 좋은 피터 F. 리저널 공원, 등산과 승마를 즐길 수 있는 파우더 캐년등이 있어 주말에 액티비티를 하기에도 좋습니다.

<마감기한> 2025.2.20.(목)

 ** 모집 진행상황에 따라 조기 종료될 수 있음.

<미국 인턴 지원 방법 및 기타 안내>

지원 방법

1. 이메일 주소 (info@iccekorea.com)로 지원 의사 전달 또는 카카오톡으로 상담신청

2. 이메일 제목은 '소속대학명(학생의이름):지원 회사명 

3. ICCEKOREA에서 온라인 참가 신청서 링크와 영문 이력서 등 기본 준비서류 안내를 발송 

4. 서류 준비와 함께 전화 상담 이메일에 있는 카카오톡 링크를 클릭하여 카카오톡 상담 진행

지원 및 문의:ICCE KOREA

 - Email: info@iccekorea.com

- 전화: 02-335-7755

- 카카오톡: iccekorea

- 홈페이지: www.iccekorea.com

비자 수속 비용: $4,500